Day 9: 50 Flat Miles

Breakfast was provided by our amazing host! But no matter how much food I ate, today my hunger was insatiable!


Erin (one of our leaders) and I were forced to stop at a restaurant called: The Jelly Bean Restaurant… how could we not? We had rice pudding and pickle fries. The perfect combination!


Avry, Erin and I brought up the back of the pack today and hit the jackpot: six flat tires! We decided that instead of being bummed about flat tires, we would dub all flats dance parties. We got to stop, dance, and hone our tire-fixing skills in the most beautiful country.


We were welcomed into Wellsboro, PA by a sign just for us! More food (it was taco night) and a movie set my night up to be perfectly perfect. Leaving the theater brought on a twinge of homesick-ness. Sometimes it is hard to live 24/7 with 30 other people, never knowing where you are living the next day. Then I remembered just what an incredible journey this is–and how much better I can now understand the housing crisis affecting my peers and fellow citizens.
